Search Results for: efficiency

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All Course Offerings Please note: This is a full list of ERG course offerings; not all courses are offered each term. For current course offerings, please refer to the online ... Continue Reading »

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“Biodiversity Scales from Plots to Biomes With a Universal Species-Area Curve” John Harte, Adam B. Smith, and David Storch“Carbon Cycle Uncertainty Increases Climate Change Risks and Mitigation Challenges” Paul A. ... Continue Reading »

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Energy Modeling, Analysis & Control (EMAC)

Analysis & Control (EMAC) Energy Modeling

The Energy Modeling, Analysis and Control (EMAC) group addresses the engineering and techno-economic challenges to decarbonizing electric power systems. Our work ranges from applied to theoretical. Much of our work focuses on building new control and optimization frameworks to facilitate the operation of low carbon grids.

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate ChangeEcologyEnergyGovernanceWaterInternational Climate Change ERG CORE David Anthoff David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (2 results)

Kammen, Daniel M.

Daniel M. Kammen


Daniel Kam­men is the Dis­tin­guished Pro­fes­sor of Energy with appoint­ments in the Energy and Resources Group, The Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­icy, and the Depart­ment of Nuclear Engi­neer­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley.

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Callaway, Duncan

Duncan Callaway

Associate Professor, ERG Chair

Dr. Callaway’s teaching focuses on power systems and energy efficiency. His research can be categorized in three areas: modeling and control of aggregated storage devices; power management; and system analysis of energy technologies and their impact.

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Students (7 results)

Wang, Liyang

Liyang Wang


Liyang is a PhD student in the Energy & Resources Group and a Senior Research Associate at Berkeley Lab. Her research interest is at the intersection of decision science, climate ... Continue Reading »

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Kersey, Jess

Jess Kersey


Jess Kersey is a fourth-year PhD student broadly interested in technology, regulation, and policy to improve energy access and climate adaptation efforts across multiple geographies including East Africa, Latin America, ... Continue Reading »

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Worsham, Marshall

Marshall Worsham


A Remote Sensing Method for Detecting Agents of Forest Disturbance (MA ’20) Marshall’s interests lie in environmental governance and ecology, in particular, the relationships among regulatory structure, conflict, and ecosystem ... Continue Reading »

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Elias, Micah

Micah Elias


Payment for Watershed Ecosystem Services: Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Equity (MS ’20) Micah Elias earned his B.S. in International Agricultural Development from UC Davis in 2012. After graduating he worked with ... Continue Reading »

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Gorman, Will

Will Gorman


Effects of Electricity Consumption and Rate Design on Solar Plus Storage-enabled Grid Defection (MS ’19) Will’s primary research interests involve assessing the opportunity for distributed energy resources to participate on ... Continue Reading »

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Yu, Hilary

Hilary Yu


Mining Data on Reclaimed Coal Mines: a Machine Learning Approach to Assessing Habitat Suitability (MS ’18) Hilary received her B.A. in Government and Biological Sciences, with a concentration in Ecology ... Continue Reading »

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Lazarus, Eli

Eli Lazarus


Eli is an Ecological Economist working on comprehensive welfare measurement, tracking, and optimization. His research investigates and contributes to filling the gap between market optimization/welfare and broader social welfare. Recent ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (44 results)

Mallet Dias, Arthur

Arthur Mallet Dias


Promoting Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development: A Review and Evaluation of Enterprise Facilitation (MS ’22) Arthur is interested in using sustainable innovation as a framework for designing new businesses, services, and ... Continue Reading »

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Clarke, Nick

Nick Clarke


A Discrete-event Simulator to Determine if Public Transit Buses Go Battery Electric Today (MA ’20) A native of Utah, Nick holds a BA in Environmental Studies from Westminster College in ... Continue Reading »

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Worley, Peter

Peter Worley


Ohio Industrial Electricity Rates: Is the Price Right? (MS ’19) Peter is interested in investigating the market and regulatory barriers to technological solutions to renewable energy generation, net-zero buildings, and ... Continue Reading »

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Ferrall, Isa

Isa Ferrall


Decentralized solar energy systems for electricity access: historical context and comparisons of reliability (MS ’18); Quantitative approaches to energy justice: examining fair access to reliable electricity (PhD ’22) Isa earned ... Continue Reading »

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Hausfather, Zeke

Zeke Hausfather


Understanding and Reconciling Global Temperature Records (PhD ’19) Zeke is an energy systems analyst and data scientist with a strong interest in climate science and policy. He is currently the ... Continue Reading »

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MacDonald, Jason

Jason MacDonald


Jason is interested in optimization and control of distributed energy resources to support renewable energy integration into the electricity grid. He works at Lawrence Berkeley National lab researching wholesale electricity ... Continue Reading »

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Szinai, Julia

Julia Szinai


Julia studied economics and Spanish at UC Berkeley as an undergraduate, and realized her interest in energy and environmental issues while a research assistant at the UC Energy Institute. After ... Continue Reading »

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Han Springer, Cecilia

Cecilia Han Springer


Policies for an Ecological Civilization: China, Carbon, and Economic Reform (PhD ’19) Cecilia is a PhD candidate at ERG. Her dissertation uses economic modeling and social science to critically analyze ... Continue Reading »

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Golden, Rachel

Rachel Golden


Achieving Long-term Climate Goals in the US: Unlocking the Potential of High-Efficiency Electric Technology in Our Homes and Buildings (MS/MPP ’16) Rachel is interested in advancing policies that can help ... Continue Reading »

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Christopher Williams


The Hands that will Build our Energy Future:  Administrative and Labor Capacity for Building Energy Efficiency Policies In China and India (MA ’11)

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Wadia, Cyrus

Cyrus Wadia


"In a sense, we’re going through a tran­si­tion here. The indus­try is going through a tran­si­tion that we’re only see­ing the begin­ning of,” says Dr. Cyrus Wadia (PhD’08). Cyrus knows about transitions. He has been a policy advocate, business entrepreneur and scientific innovator for clean energy and human welfare prior, throughout and since his time at ERG. He has not only observed but has been part of the change in the world’s switch to solar. His multiple hats and his work on the frontline edge of policy, economics and science made him a perfect fit for the interdisciplinary program at ERG.

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Jonathan Sinton


Indoor Air Pollution in China (Compilation of a Database of Results of Research 1982-1991; with an Application to Residential Energy Supply Options in Shenyang, Liaoning Province) (’92 M.S.) Energy Efficiency ... Continue Reading »

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Suzie Shin


An Empirical Assessment of the California Utilities’ Energy Efficiency Programs (’09 MS)

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John Ross


Creating a Smooth Pathway From Innovation to Commercialization within the California Public Interest Energy Research Program (’01 M.S.) Research Interests: Performance of policy and technical analyses to increase awareness of ... Continue Reading »

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Amol Phadke


Feasibility of Competition in a Developing Country Electricity Market: A Case Study of Maharashtra State (India) (’03 MS) Competition, regulation, and Energy Efficiency Options in the Electricy Sector: Opportunities and ... Continue Reading »

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Eric Martinot


Wind-Generated Electric Power in the Soviet Union: Geographical and Technical Prospects (’91 MA) Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Russia: Perspectives and Problems of International Technology Transfer and Investment (’95 ... Continue Reading »

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Amardip Mann


The Economic Costs and Potential of Increased Water-Use Efficiency in California’s Residential Sector (’02 M.A.)

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Jonathan Koomey


A Simplified Spreadsheet Model for Assessing the Load and Energy Impacts of Demand-Side Programs for Selected Residential Appliances (’86 MS) Energy Efficiency Choices in New Office Buildings: An Investigation of ... Continue Reading »

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Kathryn Janda


Worldwide Status of Energy Standards for Buildings (’93 M.S.) Building Change: Effects of Professional Culture and Organizational Context on Energy Efficiency Adoption in Buildings (’98 Ph.D.)

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Steve Greenberg


Improving Efficiency in Electric Motors and Motor Drives in Commercial Buildings (87 MS)

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William Golove


Measuring Energy Efficiency: A Critique of the Energy-GNP Ratio (95 MA) Avant Le Deluge: An Investigation on Some Neglected Dimensions of Electricity Restructuring in California (’06 PhD)

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Merrian Fuller


Enabling Investments in Energy Efficiency: A study of energy efficiency programs that reduce first-cost barriers in the residential sector (’09 MA)

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David Dietrich


“Incentive Regulation” of Nuclear Power Plants by State Public Utility Commissions: Program Design for Safety and Economic Efficiency (’87 M.S.)

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Reuben Deumling


The Industrial Ecology of Household Refrigerators: Product Life and the Demand for Materials and Energy (’99 MA) Public Policies, Private Choices: Consumer Desire and the Practice of Energy Efficiency (’08 ... Continue Reading »

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Elisabeth Derby


Appliance Standards Transplantation: Applicability of a United States-based Energy Efficiency Standards Model in Costa Rica (’01 M.A.)

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Chris Calwell


The Near-Term Potential for Simultaneous Improvements in the Fuel Efficiency and Emissions of U.S. Automobiles (89 MA)

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Testa, Monica

Monica Testa


Monica obtained her Masters in 2015 from the Energy and Resources Group. She is interested in electric vehicle adoption, alternative energy policy, and sustainable energy development. Her research involves modeling ... Continue Reading »

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Sheikh, Imran

Imran Sheikh


Decarbonizing Residential Space and Water Heating in California (PhD ’17) Imran Sheikh is interested in creating business-led solutions to environmental problems, with a particular focus on energy efficiency. His current research ... Continue Reading »

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Romankiewicz, John

John Romankiewicz


John Romankiewicz is an MS/MPP candidate in the Energy & Resources Group and Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. He is the VP of Membership for the Berkeley ... Continue Reading »

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Ponce de Leon Barido, Diego

Diego Ponce de Leon Barido


Demand-side Knowledge for Sustainable Decarbonization in Resource Constrained Environments: Applied Research at the Intersection of Behavior, Data-mining, and Technology (PhD ’18) Links: Personal Website Life at ERG Blog Posts ALUMNI ... Continue Reading »

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Mercado, Andrea

Andrea Mercado


Andrea graduated from UC Merced with a BS in Applied Mathematics on Engineering Mechanics and a minor in Writing. During her time at UCM, Andrea interned for UCM Facilities as ... Continue Reading »

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Mandel, Benjamin

Benjamin Mandel


Minding Electron Leakage: How Utility Regulation Can Improve Upstream Energy Efficiency (MS ’14) Ben is a concurrent MS-MPP degree student in ERG and the Goldman School of Public Policy. His ... Continue Reading »

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Lu, Hongyou

Hongyou Lu


Hongyou is a concurrent MS-MPP student in ERG and the Goldman School of Public Policy. She also works at the China Energy Group of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Her ... Continue Reading »

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Jones, Christopher

Christopher Jones


Chris Jones is Director of the CoolClimate Network, a university-government-industry partnership at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lecturer at the Haas School of Business. His primary research interests are ... Continue Reading »

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Borgeson, Sam

Sam Borgeson


Targeted Efficiency: Using Customer Meter Data to Improve Efficiency Program Outcomes (PhD ’14) Sam’s works focuses on tools to scale up and improve the performance of energy efficiency programs in ... Continue Reading »

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Aden, Nate

Nate Aden


Taking the Man Out of Manufacturing: Drivers and Components of Industrial Sector Low-Carbon Transformation (PhD ’17) Nate Aden completed his PhD at the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley and is ... Continue Reading »

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News (18 results)

Efficiency, Cost, and Environmental Benefits of Self-Driving Electric Taxis in NYC

Cost Efficiency

“What would it look like if all Yellow Cabs in Manhattan were replaced with self-driving electric taxis? How much battery range would they need, and where would you put charging ... Continue Reading »

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Art Rosenfeld, Friend of ERG and Pioneer of Energy Efficiency, Passes Away at 90

Friend of ERG and Pioneer of Energy Efficiency Art Rosenfeld

Arthur Hinton Rosenfeld, a close friend to many in the ERG community, passed away Friday, January 27, 2017. He was 90 years old. “Art Rosenfeld helped make California the world ... Continue Reading »

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A Better Way to Look at Building Efficiency

A Better Way to Look at Building Efficiency

Dr. Kammen interviewed in FuturArc about seeing buildings as systems.

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Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen Argue for Solar and Wind Over Hydropower in Nature Article

Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen Argue for Solar and Wind Over Hydropower in Nature Article

Recent ERG alum Noah Kittner (MS ’15, PhD ’18) and professor Dan Kammen, along with Stanford postdoc Rafael Schmitt and UC Berkeley professor of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning Matt ... Continue Reading »

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Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction

Misplaced Praise – How Kosovo Took a Step in the Wrong Direction

The U.S. government recently congratulated the government of Kosovo for signing a contract with American multi-national corporation Contour Global to build a new 500 MW coal-fired power plant. Kosovo highlights ... Continue Reading »

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Solar Powered “Net-Zero Community” on Lopez Island, WA

WA Solar Powered “Net-Zero Community” on Lopez Island

ERG alumni Chris and Chom Greacen explain the vision and execution that brought to life the Common Ground community on Lopez Island, WA. Read about the project’s origins and objectives, efficiency ... Continue Reading »

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UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA

UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded the University of California system with the Excellence in Green Power Use Award for its investments in renewable energy, and continued progress ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Student Avila Receives Rosenfeld Fellowship

ERG Student Avila Receives Rosenfeld Fellowship

Congratulations to ERG postdoctoral fellow Nikky Avila, who was recently awarded the 2016 Rosenfeld Fellowship.

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THIMBY House Project Is Well Underway!

THIMBY House Project Is Well Underway!

The Tiny House in My Backyard (THIMBY) is an interdisciplinary team of UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students working together to design and build an affordable, off-grid, 100% solar-powered “tiny” ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Summer Courses Available

ERG Summer Courses Available

ERG is offering four of its most popular courses this summer! Enroll Today!

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Feeding people on our stressed planet will require a “revolution”

Feeding people on our stressed planet will require a “revolution”

ERG Professor John Harte was featured on Environmental Health News speaking of how the implementation of sustainable energy will play an important role in future food security.

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ERG Awards: Switzer Fellowships, NSF & More

NSF & More ERG Awards: Switzer Fellowships

3 current Switzer fellows, 2 more NSF fellows, and more. See the list of awards ERG students have received.

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ScienceMag: In boosting climate goals, California daring others to follow

California daring others to follow ScienceMag: In boosting climate goals

Dr. Dan Kammen on how CA's new GHG reduction targets are not only good for the state but also international talks

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A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

ERG team study showing how off-grid power can improve equality in energy access published in Nature Climate Change. Interview with lead author Peter Alstone.

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How will ambitious energy goals transform CA?

How will ambitious energy goals transform CA?

Listen to the discussion on Governor Browns ambitions energy plan with Dan Kammen and Peter Miller.

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What if it’s not that “green”?

What if it’s not that “green”?

NBC interview of Dr. Kammen on new technology not meeting green expectations.

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Upcoming Certificate Course on Economic Impact of Climate and Energy Policy

Upcoming Certificate Course on Economic Impact of Climate and Energy Policy

3-day cer­tifi­cate course Oct 3-5, offer­ing a prac­ti­cal per­spec­tive on the eco­nomic effects of cli­mate and energy policy.

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ERG Alum on the Executive Mansion’s Solar Installation

ERG Alum on the Executive Mansion’s Solar Installation

Watch White House scientists, including Dr. Cyrus Wadia (ERG MS'06, PhD'08), talk about the White House's shift toward renewables.

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