Pages (2 results)
TopFaculty by Primary Interest
Areas of Interest Climate ChangeEcologyEnergyGovernanceWaterInternational Climate Change ERG CORE David Anthoff David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model ... Continue Reading »
Affiliated Faculty
ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »
News (1 results)
ERG Professor Ray on Toilets and Gender Equality
June 23, 2017
"Safe drinking water and sanitation are indispensable to sustain life and health, and fundamental to the dignity of all.”
Topics (1 results)
TopKari Dolan
Tomorrow’s Clean and Fuel-Efficient Automobile: Opportunities for Cooperation Between Industry and Policy-Makers (91 MS)
- community organizing
- instream flows
- stream restoration
- sustainable water management
- water quality and Clean Water Act