Search Results for: EPA

Pages (18 results)


The Energy and Resources Group

ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, over 150 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 500 alumni across the globe. We award MA, MS, and ... Continue Reading »

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About ERG

Our Mission The mission of the Energy and Resources Group is a sustainable environment and a just society. ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 ... Continue Reading »

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ERG is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, 200 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 600 alumni across the globe. We award MA, MS, PhD, and ... Continue Reading »

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WEBSITE NOTE: The home page collects its content from the child pages of this page. The content of this page does not manifest anywhere (as you can see this note ... Continue Reading »

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Financing Your Education

COST OF ATTENDANCE Please see the UC Berkeley Registrar’ Fee Schedule for the current cost of attendance in UC Berkeley graduate academic programs. ERG is an academic program and does ... Continue Reading »

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All Course Offerings Please note: This is a full list of ERG course offerings; not all courses are offered each term. For current course offerings, please refer to the online ... Continue Reading »

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Core Faculty

The faculty of ERG currently consists of 10 core professors of Energy and Resources and nearly 200 affiliated faculty and researchers holding appointments in a wide range of departments across ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Program Directory The information below is a directory of ERG programs. Please read through and contact us at for graduate program questions and for all other questions.  ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty by Primary Interest

Areas of Interest Climate ChangeEcologyEnergyGovernanceWaterInternational Climate Change ERG CORE David Anthoff David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model ... Continue Reading »

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Concurrent Degree Program (MPP/MA or MPP/MS)

Public Policy & Energy Resources Group Energy and Resources Group (ERG) and the Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) offer a concurrent degree program that integrates the strengths of public policy ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Admissions FAQ

Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) we receive and their answers. If you don’t find what you need on this page, please email us at [bs_collapse ... Continue Reading »

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Master’s Degree Curriculum Requirements (MA or MS)

The purpose of the ERG Master’s program is to educate the next generation of interdisciplinary leaders. Specifically, students are taught the range of methods and subjects they should be able ... Continue Reading »

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Job Market Candidates

Job Market Candidates

Interested in our candidates? Check out ERG Ph.D. candidates who will be completing their dissertations and are currently preparing for employment.

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Summer Instructors

The Energy and Resources Group summer instructors understand the complex and interdisciplinary nature of sustainability. All have significant experience teaching and/or professional experience in the subject areas of their courses. ... Continue Reading »

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Equity Diversity

Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at ERG Equity and inclusion are at the heart of our mission to provide education and research for a sustainable and just society. We aspire ... Continue Reading »

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Sustainability Minor/Certificate FAQs

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Learning What is the difference between synchronous vs. asynchronous instruction, and online courses vs. remote instruction courses? Courses originally offered online (i.e. Energy and Society and Water ... Continue Reading »

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Affiliated Faculty

ERG has a small core faculty but a much larger group of affiliated faculty. Affiliated faculty are based in other departments on campus or at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, ... Continue Reading »

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Open Positions

Join the ERG Team The Energy and Resources Group is a col­lab­o­ra­tive com­mu­nity of grad­u­ate stu­dents, core fac­ulty, nearly 200 affil­i­ated fac­ulty and researchers across the cam­pus, and over 600 ... Continue Reading »

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Faculty (5 results)

Mills-Novoa, Meg

Meg Mills-Novoa

Assistant Professor

Meg Mills-Novoa is a human-environment geographer who researches the enduring impacts of climate change adaptation projects. She is jointly appointed to the Energy and Resources Group and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

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Chung, Youjin

Youjin Chung

Assistant Professor

Youjin Chung is Assistant Professor of Sustainability and Equity with a joint appointment in the Energy and Resources Group and the Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management.

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Kueppers, Lara

Lara Kueppers

Associate Professor

Lara Kueppers is an Associate Professor in the Energy and Resources Group, with a Faculty Scientist appointment at Berkeley Lab. She is an interdisciplinary environmental scientist, whose research focuses on ecological responses and feedbacks to climate change.

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Anthoff, David

David Anthoff

Associate Professor

David Anthoff is an environmental economist who studies climate change and environmental policy. He co-develops the integrated assessment model FUND that is used widely in academic research and in policy analysis.

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Kammen, Daniel M.

Daniel M. Kammen


Daniel Kam­men is the Dis­tin­guished Pro­fes­sor of Energy with appoint­ments in the Energy and Resources Group, The Gold­man School of Pub­lic Pol­icy, and the Depart­ment of Nuclear Engi­neer­ing at the Uni­ver­sity of Cal­i­for­nia, Berke­ley.

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Students (7 results)

Tadepalli, Sanjana

Sanjana Tadepalli


Sanjana (she/her) is a Master’s student at ERG. She is interested in climate justice, participatory methods, and environmental communication. Before coming to ERG, Sanjana was a researcher at the Disaster ... Continue Reading »

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Archer, Kelly

Kelly Archer


Kelly is a Master’s student at ERG (class of 2024). She has a background in environmental engineering, specifically in water/wastewater treatment and remediation. At ERG, she is excited to branch ... Continue Reading »

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Stack, Stephen

Stephen Stack


Stephen is a first year Masters student at ERG. He is interested in the economic, political, and social dimensions of the net-zero transition: What are the major obstacles to climate ... Continue Reading »

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Sparti, Chelsi

Chelsi Sparti


Chelsi belongs to the Winnemem, Nomtipom, and Nomsus bands of the Northern Wintu people, and is of European settler descent. She carries out collaborative research with Puerto Rican residents to ... Continue Reading »

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Reyes, Victor

Victor Reyes


Hola! I’m Victor Reyes, a Mexican MS candidate. I have a BS/BA in Engineering with a concentration on Sustainability from the University of San Diego. My main interests are electric ... Continue Reading »

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Shears, Esther

Esther Shears


The Impact of Data Access on Academic Research: Evidence from the Land Remote-sensing Commercialization Act of 1984 (MS ’18) Esther researches how climate change will impact the financial sector and ... Continue Reading »

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Vásquez, Váleri

Váleri Vásquez


Váleri Vásquez is a PhD candidate in the Energy and Resources Group with a Designated Emphasis in Computational Data Science and Engineering. Váleri conducts most of her work in the ... Continue Reading »

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Alumni (35 results)


Michael Shepard


Straw into Gold: The Promise of Anaerobic Digesters on California Dairy Farms (’85 MS)

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Deepa Shinde Lounsbury


Developing Country Microgrids: A Case Study Approach to Best Practices (MA, ’13)

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Jacome, Veronica

Veronica Jacome


Reshaping the relationships in Ungula’s electricity sector: the advent of the prepay meter (MS ’15) Presumptions and Precarity: Probing Electricity Infrastructure (PhD ’20) Veronica Jacome is a PhD student in ... Continue Reading »

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Ponomareva, Sasha

Sasha Ponomareva


Alternative Futures for Composting in California (MS ’22) Sasha earned her B.A. in Environmental Analysis with a minor in Spanish from Pomona College in 2014. After this she worked for ... Continue Reading »

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Miller, Christian

Christian Miller


Measuring California’s Energy Service Affordability (MS ’19) Christian is fascinated by energy end-uses’ effect on communities’ economic and political well-being. While his formal scientific background is in biorenewable resources, his ... Continue Reading »

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Siddique, Samira

Samira Siddique


Development for the Stateless: the Displacement-Development Nexus and Implications for the Future (MS ’19) Samira Siddique is a PhD candidate and National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow in the Energy ... Continue Reading »

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Rand, Joseph

Joseph Rand


Environmental, Economic, and Social Trade-Offs of Hydropower Relicensing (MS ’16) Joseph is interested in the social, environmental, and economic trade-offs in energy development, and in particular the social conflicts arising ... Continue Reading »

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Castro, Felipe

Felipe Castro


On Rate Regulation in Modern Electricity Sectors (PhD ’17) Felipe was a Ph.D. Candidate with ERG. His research seeks to improve the understanding and organization of energy systems, leveraging methods, ... Continue Reading »

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Jacobson, Arne

Arne Jacobson


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: ARNE JACOBSON Ph.D. 2004 Professor in the Department of Environmental Resources Engineering at Humboldt State University   From his post at Humboldt State University, Arne Jacobson passionately extends ... Continue Reading »

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Moreno, Laura

Laura Moreno


Everyday Transformations of Food to Waste: What and Why Food is Discarded in U.S. Households (PhD ’19) From digging through trash to looking inside of people’s refrigerators, Laura researches household-level ... Continue Reading »

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Brockway, Anna

Anna Brockway


New challenges facing electric power systems: Integrating technical realities and policy goals (PhD ’22) Anna Brockway is a PhD from the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley. She holds ... Continue Reading »

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Shaw, Britt

Britt Shaw


At ERG, I am exploring the barriers to renewable projects that are stalled or abandoned in emerging markets and potential solutions. By striving to answer that question, I hope to help move electricity sector development forward — especially in East Africa.

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Marshall, Adrienne

Adrienne Marshall


Adrienne works on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the public and private forests and wild lands of California. She is interested in understanding how the natural resources in these ... Continue Reading »

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Siegner, Alana

Alana Siegner


Growing Environmental Literacy: On Small-Scale Farms, in the Urban Agroecosystem, and in School Garden Classrooms (PhD ’20) Alana Siegner graduated from Tufts University in 2012 with a double major in ... Continue Reading »

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Marcus, David

David Marcus


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT This ERG alumni spotlight features one of the first ERG graduate students, David Marcus (MA’77), and is written by ERG alumna, Sarita Sarvate (MS’78). The piece is the first ... Continue Reading »

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Lele, Sharad

Sharad Lele


ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT: SHARAD LÉLÉ Ph.D. 1993 Senior Fellow, Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (Bangalore) Sharad Lele never intended to become an academic. And even though his resume ... Continue Reading »

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Veronica Kun


A Review of EPA’s Evaluation of the Environmental Impacts of New Source Performance Standards for Fossil Fuel Power Plants (’78 M.A.)

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Karina Garbesi


Experiments and Modeling of the Soil-Gas Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds into a Residential Basement (’88 M.S.) Toward Resolving Model-Measurement Discrepancies of Radon Entry into Houses (’93 Ph.D.)

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Devra Bachrach


Comparing The Risk Profiles of Renewable and Natural Gas Electricity Contracts: A Summary of the California Department of Water Resources Contracts (’02 MA)

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Zenkin, Svetlana

Svetlana Zenkin


Challenges and Opportunities for Corporate Fleet Transitions to Lower-Carbon Fuels (MS ’14) Svetlana is interested in the intersection of public policy and corporate social responsibility, as well as in the ... Continue Reading »

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Witt, Maggie

Maggie Witt


Maggie’s research focuses on reducing the environmental impacts of transportation by decreasing both the amount that people drive and the per-mile emissions of personal vehicles. Her work focuses on California’s ... Continue Reading »

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Shirley, Rebekah

Rebekah Shirley


Rebekah Shirley believes that there is more than one path to a bright, energy secure future. Developing nations strive to connect more and more of their communities to energy. Many have emulated the fossil fuel intensive model of developed nations, but Rebekah believes that this is not necessarily the only way.

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Romankiewicz, John

John Romankiewicz


John Romankiewicz is an MS/MPP candidate in the Energy & Resources Group and Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley. He is the VP of Membership for the Berkeley ... Continue Reading »

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Reilly, Jessica

Jessica Reilly


Jess studies the impact of and adaptation to climate change on Latin America’s coasts. Currently, she travels on her 39-foot sailboat, Oleada, down the Pacific coast of Mexico and Central ... Continue Reading »

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Emily Quesada


An Evaluation of the Triple Bottom Line Business Case For Reshoring Manufacturing (MS ’14) Emily Quesada received her B.A. in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania in 2003. She subsequently served ... Continue Reading »

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Ponce de Leon Barido, Diego

Diego Ponce de Leon Barido


Demand-side Knowledge for Sustainable Decarbonization in Resource Constrained Environments: Applied Research at the Intersection of Behavior, Data-mining, and Technology (PhD ’18) Links: Personal Website Life at ERG Blog Posts ALUMNI ... Continue Reading »

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Mercado, Andrea

Andrea Mercado


Andrea graduated from UC Merced with a BS in Applied Mathematics on Engineering Mechanics and a minor in Writing. During her time at UCM, Andrea interned for UCM Facilities as ... Continue Reading »

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Koppe, Alison

Alison Koppe


Reduce, Reuse, Regulate: Repurposing the Clean Air Act to Limit Power Plants’ Carbon Emissions (MS ’14) Alison will graduate in Spring 2014 with an ERG M.S. and a J.D. from ... Continue Reading »

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Goddard, Jessica Joan

Jessica Joan Goddard

MS 2014 (ERG), MS 2015 (Eng.), PhD

Urban Water’s Hydra: Stormwater’s Problematization in LA (MA ’14) Measuring Drinking Water Affordability and Sustainability (PhD ’20) At ERG, Jess (PhD 2019) co-developed metrics for water affordability in the state’s ... Continue Reading »

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Cohen, Michael

Michael Cohen


Michael Cohen puts the power and complexity of the grid into students' hands via a video game. We asked Michael about his innovative project and his unique experience at ERG. "In addition to developing the game itself, I am working with teachers at local high schools to develop curriculum around it and try it out with their students this year. I hope to not only create a solid educational product but also gain some insights into how technology can be used to support learning about complex systems in general."

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Christianson, Danielle Svehla

Danielle Svehla Christianson


At times the problem of understanding phenomena is one of seeing. That is why Danielle explores new ways of demystifying complexity through visual representation. She seeks new techniques to illustrate often-forgotten, yet fundamental dependencies between human society and the natural world. One such technique is terrestrial laser scanning (also known as LIDAR), which she used to create a 3-D model of her ecological study site in the Sierra Nevada. This along with her seedling research seeks to inform the uncertain future of resource management.

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News (54 results)

Dan Kammen Critics Trump Administration’s Appointment for EPA Position

Dan Kammen Critics Trump Administration’s Appointment for EPA Position

ERG Dan Kammen was recently quoted on KQED criticing the Trump Administration's decision to appoint "former PG&E attorney to head the federal Environmental Protection Agency’s regional office in San Francisco."

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UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA

UC Wins Excellence in Green Power Use Award from EPA

Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency awarded the University of California system with the Excellence in Green Power Use Award for its investments in renewable energy, and continued progress ... Continue Reading »

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Kammen Resigns State Department Science Envoy post, Adds Plug for Impeachment

Adds Plug for Impeachment Kammen Resigns State Department Science Envoy post

ERG Professor Dan Kammen resigned as US State Department Science Envoy on Wednesday morning, August 23. His letter is attached below. Read more about his resignation at the following links: ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Professor Emeritus John Holdren and Alum Nicky Sundt Comment on the EPA’s Proposed Red-Team/Blue-Team Exercise

ERG Professor Emeritus John Holdren and Alum Nicky Sundt Comment on the EPA’s Proposed Red-Team/Blue-Team Exercise

In a Climate Science & Policy Article co-authored by Nicky Sundt, an ERG alum (MA ’79), former ERG chair John Holdren criticizes the “red-team/blue-team” exercise proposed by EPA Administrator Scott ... Continue Reading »

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Alum Epstein Explores Resilient Farming Systems in Post-disaster Nepal

Alum Epstein Explores Resilient Farming Systems in Post-disaster Nepal

"On the 25th and 26th of April and 12th of May Nepal was struck by massive earthquakes. One year later we wanted to explore which farming systems fared better or worse after this natural disaster. "

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ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Recent Fusion Breakthroughs Could Pave the Way for Clean Energy

ERG’s Dan Kammen on How Recent Fusion Breakthroughs Could Pave the Way for Clean Energy

A recent breakthrough in fusion energy technology is a landmark achievement in the development of clean energy.

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ERG Alumna Laura Moreno Studies the Staggering Reality of Food Waste

ERG Alumna Laura Moreno Studies the Staggering Reality of Food Waste

ERG alumna Laura Moreno was recently featured on the California Magazine for her research on understanding food waste in the United States.

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ERG’s Dan Kammen Enthusiastic for Berkeley Scholars to Join Biden Administration

ERG’s Dan Kammen Enthusiastic for Berkeley Scholars to Join Biden Administration

Recently, President-elect Joe Biden has nominated UC Berkeley Goldman School of Public Policy (GSPP) faculty member Jennifer Granholm to lead the U.S. Department of Energy and Haas School of Business Professor Emeritus Janet Yellen to serve as secretary of treasury. Two campus alumni are also expected to serve within the administration, with Alejandro Mayorkas selected to lead the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, and Adewale Adeyemo picked for deputy treasury secretary. ERG professor Dan Kammen expressed enthusiasm for the candidates in multiple news sources, stating that “The Department of Energy is going to be central to almost everything in the Biden-Harris plan, from energy transformation to re-entering the Paris Climate Accords. We’re also going to need a huge infusion of attention and effort to be put into creating jobs. That fits Jennifer Granholm to a T. I’m just so impressed that they made this choice. I think she’s ideal for the job at this time.” Read the Berkeley News article on Jennifer Granholm here, the San Francisco Chronicle article here, and the Daily Californian article on all four Berkeley scholars here.

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Rausser College’s Fall Breakthroughs Magazine Features ERG Professor Isha Ray and PhD Student Valeri Vasquez

Rausser College’s Fall Breakthroughs Magazine Features ERG Professor Isha Ray and PhD Student Valeri Vasquez

In the latest fall 2020 issue of Breakthroughs magazine, ERG professor Isha Ray was interviewed on her work in social equity and inclusive activism, and ERG PhD student Valeri Vasquez was featured on her project of using computational models to research how genetic technologies might work as public health interventions. "Equity and inclusion have always motivated me, in both research and teaching, and I’ve served as an equity adviser in my department for many years," Ray states in her interview. "My field research has always focused on social justice, particularly in communities that are neglected and marginalized and with people struggling to be included as full citizens. You would think that, in this century, clean, affordable drinking water wouldn’t be such a huge ask, but apparently it is."

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ERG Professor John Harte Oversees “Science Journal for Kids” Adapting UC Berkeley Study

ERG Professor John Harte Oversees “Science Journal for Kids” Adapting UC Berkeley Study

As a Science Journal for Kids advisory board member, ERG professor John Harte recently oversaw UC Berkeley researchers and Science Journal for Kids adapting a paper that found associations between redlining and emergency department visits for asthma. The study was adjusted to be more kid-friendly, and was featured in relevance to today's youth and the Black Lives Matter movement. "The purpose of the organization is to bring easily readable and understandable articles to kids and to 'improve the level of scientific understanding in society'," Harte stated.

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ERG PhD Student Anna Brockway Calls for Rethinking California’s Electric Grid

ERG PhD Student Anna Brockway Calls for Rethinking California’s Electric Grid

ERG PhD student Anna Brockway and two UC Berkeley students recently published their article, "California must prepare its electric grid for complex climate risks", on the San Francisco Chronicle. The op-ed discusses the necessity of reworking California's electrical system to pave the way for efficient climate adaptation. "In order to make good decisions about maintenance, facility siting and the specs of new equipment, electric grid operators must understand how weather and climate affect electricity demand, supply and delivery. Normally, they look at historical weather patterns and operating conditions. But now, the electricity system must prepare for more record-setting events," the article states.

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ERG’s Lara and Kammen on Potential for Biomass Feedstock from Drought

ERG’s Lara and Kammen on Potential for Biomass Feedstock from Drought

ERG student José Daniel Lara and ERG professor Daniel Kammen, in collaboration with forest researchers in UC Berkeley's department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, recently published "Characterization of the woody biomass feedstock potential resulting from California’s drought" in Nature, Scientific Reports.

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Yoshika Crider’s Investigation on Chlorination Technology in Sandec News

Yoshika Crider’s Investigation on Chlorination Technology in Sandec News

ERG grad student Yoshika Crider's work on improving water systems in Rural Nepal through chlorination technology is highlighted in SANDEC's annual publication.

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ERGies Contribute to IEEE “Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities”

Challenges ERGies Contribute to IEEE “Electricity for All: Issues

Several ERGies recently contributed articles to an IEEE Special Issue on "Electricity for All: Issues, Challenges, and Solutions for Energy-Disadvantaged Communities."

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ERG Alumnus Patrick Gonzalez Speaks to Congress on Climate Change

ERG Alumnus Patrick Gonzalez Speaks to Congress on Climate Change

ERG alum, Dr. Patrick Gonzalez presents scientific findings to Representative Mike Quigley and other members of the U.S. House of Representatives Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition Members in the U.S. Capitol

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New ERG Course: Data, Environment and Society

Environment and Society New ERG Course: Data

Data, Environment and Society (ENERES 131) Professor Duncan Callaway Lecture (#33105) TT 9:30 – 11am Labs (#33106) M 10am – 12pm or (#33276) W 10am – 12pm This course will teach ... Continue Reading »

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Isha Ray and Chris Hyun Analyze Issues with Water Access Alerts in Bangalore

Isha Ray and Chris Hyun Analyze Issues with Water Access Alerts in Bangalore

A recent article from UC Berkeley’s Blum Center considers the lessons learned from the trial run of Next drop, an application intended to help residents of Bangalore, India optimize their ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Alum Patrick Gonzalez Testifies Before Congress as Expert Witness

ERG Alum Patrick Gonzalez Testifies Before Congress as Expert Witness

During a recent House Natural Resources Committee event titled “Climate Change and Public Lands: Examining Impacts and Considering Adaptation Opportunities,” ERG alumnus Patrick Gonzalez (PhD ’97) provided testimony as an ... Continue Reading »

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Governor Newsom Appoints ERG Alum Carla Peterman to New Wildfire Recovery Commission

Governor Newsom Appoints ERG Alum Carla Peterman to New Wildfire Recovery Commission

Governor Gavin Newsom’s office has released three appointments to the new Commission on Catastrophic Wildfire Cost and Recovery, which includes ERG alumna Carla Peterman (PhD ’17). Peterman served as a ... Continue Reading »

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ERG student Hausfather in Science: Oceans are warming even faster than previously thought

ERG student Hausfather in Science: Oceans are warming even faster than previously thought

“If you want to see where global warming is happening, look in our oceans,” said Zeke Hausfather, a graduate student in the Energy and Resources Group at UC Berkeley and co-author of the paper. “Ocean heating is a very important indicator of climate change, and we have robust evidence that it is warming more rapidly than we thought.”

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ERG Graduate Student Advisor Kay Burns Receives Berkeley’s Highest Advising Honor

ERG Graduate Student Advisor Kay Burns Receives Berkeley’s Highest Advising Honor

ERG graduate student advisor Kay Burns (pictured with ERG/CNR Undergraduate Advisor Ryann Madden and ERG Professor Emeritus Dick Norgaard) has been named a 2018 recipient of the the Mary Slakey ... Continue Reading »

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ERG PhD Student Kripa Jagannathan Spotlighted for California Outreach

ERG PhD Student Kripa Jagannathan Spotlighted for California Outreach

As a graduate student in the UC Cooperative Extension Program, Kripa Jagannathan has the opportunity to supplement her research at ERG with outreach to California farmers and water utilities officials. ... Continue Reading »

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2018’s Greenest States — John Harte Weighs In

2018’s Greenest States — John Harte Weighs In

Have you ever wondered which states in the U.S. are the most environmentally conscious? The least? “In order to highlight the greenest states and call out those doing a poor ... Continue Reading »

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Dan Kammen: Renewable Energy, the Effects of Climate Change on Tropical Storms, and his Science Envoy Resignation

the Effects of Climate Change on Tropical Storms Dan Kammen: Renewable Energy

Photo: Lizette Kabré After a few hectic weeks in the news, Energy and Resources Professor Dan Kammen reflects on his resignation as State Department Science Envoy and highlights the continued importance ... Continue Reading »

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Dan Kammen Discusses Climate Change Initiative Being Developed by California Universities

Dan Kammen Discusses Climate Change Initiative Being Developed by California Universities

In a recent Nature article, ERG Professor Dan Kammen comments on the potential establishment of a California-based climate change research institute. The proposal is backed by all University of California ... Continue Reading »

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Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy

Paper Authored by PhD Candidate Noah Kittner and Professor Dan Kammen Published in Nature Energy

Noah Kittner and Dan Kammen's new paper, "Energy stor­age deploy­ment and inno­va­tion for the clean energy tran­si­tion," was published in Nature Energy on July 31, 2017

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New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

New ERG Chair Daniel M. Kammen

We are pleased to announce the appointment of the new Energy and Resources Group Chair, Professor Daniel M. Kammen. His appointment began July 1, 2017. Daniel Kam­men is a Pro­fes­sor of Energy with ... Continue Reading »

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Kammen and Hausfather of ERG Respond to Withdrawal from Paris Agreement

Kammen and Hausfather of ERG Respond to Withdrawal from Paris Agreement

ERG Professor Dan Kammen and graduate student Zeke Hausfather respond to President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement

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Kammen Comments on What’s at Stake as Trump Takes Aim at Clean Energy Research

Kammen Comments on What’s at Stake as Trump Takes Aim at Clean Energy Research

ERG professor Dan Kammen commented in this MIT Technology Review article on reports that the Trump administration intends to shut down or slash resources for select Department of Energy programs.

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Introducing New ERG Faculty Lara Kueppers

Introducing New ERG Faculty Lara Kueppers

The Energy and Resources Group is delighted to announce the arrival of new core faculty member Lara Kueppers.

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ERG-led THIMBY Wins Categories in Tiny House Competition

ERG-led THIMBY Wins Categories in Tiny House Competition

The Tiny House in My Backyard (THIMBY) team won several categories in the 2016 Sacramento Municipal District Tiny House Competition.

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RAEL and GRID Alternatives Partner for Off-Grid Solar

RAEL and GRID Alternatives Partner for Off-Grid Solar

Solar Industry Magazine has announced a partnership between the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) and nonprofit solar installer GRID Alternatives. RAEL is a unique new research, development, project implementation, and community ... Continue Reading »

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THIMBY House Project Is Well Underway!

THIMBY House Project Is Well Underway!

The Tiny House in My Backyard (THIMBY) is an interdisciplinary team of UC Berkeley graduate and undergraduate students working together to design and build an affordable, off-grid, 100% solar-powered “tiny” ... Continue Reading »

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ERG Professor Daniel Kammen Appointed as U.S. Science Envoy

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen Appointed as U.S. Science Envoy

ERG Professor Daniel Kammen has been appointed as one of five U.S. Science Envoys by the US State Department.

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ERG PhD Student Smith: Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor

ERG PhD Student Smith: Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor

Congratulations to ERG PhD student Lydia Smith on receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award 2016!

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ERG PhD Student on Methane Threat to Clean Power Plan Targets

ERG PhD Student on Methane Threat to Clean Power Plan Targets

ERG PhD student Zeke Hausfather examines threats to the Clean Power Plan that the EPA might have overlooked.

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Isha Ray: On the Same Page panel discusses current efforts to reduce poverty

Watch professor Ray discuss current efforts to reduce poverty.

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Proposed state fee would end solar savings

Proposed state fee would end solar savings

ERG professor Dan Kammen looks at impacts of proposed new CPUC rules.

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On a plane? Enjoy the view of the planet you’re killing!

On a plane? Enjoy the view of the planet you’re killing!

ERG alum Chris Jones (MS '05, PhD '15) explains the level in which airplanes contribute to the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

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Rand Receives DOE Award for Wind Advocacy

Rand Receives DOE Award for Wind Advocacy

DOE's Wind Program honors ERG graduate student for impact on wind power advocacy

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ERG Awards: Switzer Fellowships, NSF & More

NSF & More ERG Awards: Switzer Fellowships

3 current Switzer fellows, 2 more NSF fellows, and more. See the list of awards ERG students have received.

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A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

A unique moment in history for “sustainable energy for all”

ERG team study showing how off-grid power can improve equality in energy access published in Nature Climate Change. Interview with lead author Peter Alstone.

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California’s Cleaner Fuel Comes at Cost to Water: Report

California’s Cleaner Fuel Comes at Cost to Water: Report

Heather Cooley (MS'04) and PhD candidate Julian Fulton release California water footprint report from Pacific Institute.

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Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

Zoë Chafe leads new WHO Report

"We wanted to help policymakers and members of the general public understand that household heating with biomass is a complicated issue," says ERG PhD candidate Zoë Chafe.

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UC Berkeley Ranks 1st in the World for Environment

UC Berkeley Ranks 1st in the World for Environment

Subject-specific rankings from US New & World Report are based on academic research performance in those subjects.

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Schwarzenegger, Brown, Kammen: Fighting Fossil Fuel’s “Dark Shadow”

Brown Schwarzenegger

Kammen speaks at Schwarzenegger's climate pep rally where both parties agree that it's time to fight the dark side.

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Are Obama’s Carbon Rules Enough?

Are Obama’s Carbon Rules Enough?

The New York Times calls the EPA's emission proposals "modest." Professor Dan Kammen points out the challenge.

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Holdren on Climate Change in the USA

Holdren on Climate Change in the USA

Watch Dr. John Holdren, Assistant to the President for Science & Technology and ERG Co-founder, discuss the newly released National Climate Assessment report.

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Rethinking Energy on Islands

Rethinking Energy on Islands

Rebekah Shirley (ERG PhD) and Professor Dan Kammen show how small-scale energy can work in the Pacific Islands.

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Six ERG students awarded NSF, plus Fulbright & Ashoka

plus Fulbright & Ashoka Six ERG students awarded NSF

ERG students have recently been awarded NSF, Fulbright and Ashoka Fellowships. See the full list of fellowships awarded to current students.

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Microgrid Report by ERG scholars in Nature

Microgrid Report by ERG scholars in Nature

Scholars from ERG and Carnegie Mellon report on the "vicious cycles" of rural microgrids.

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Brandt (PhD’08) publishes in Science on Methane Leaks

Brandt (PhD’08) publishes in Science on Methane Leaks

“People who go out and actually measure methane pretty consistently find more emissions than we expect," claims Adam Brandt, ERG Alum and assistant professor at Stanford.

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ERG Alum Greacen’s book on small power

ERG Alum Greacen’s book on small power

From the bottom up : how small power producers and mini-grids can deliver electrification and renewable energy in Africa

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Suburban sprawl, 50% of U.S. household carbon footprint

50% of U.S. household carbon footprint Suburban sprawl

Chris Jones (ERG PhD) and Prof. Dan Kammen point out that U.S. households are responsible for about 20% of annual worldwide greenhouse gas emissions, which are driving climate change.

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Topics (1 results)


Wayne Praskins


Groundwater Contamination in Santa Clara Valley: Protecting Public Health in the Face of Technical Uncertainty (’86 M.A.)

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